"Cinema has become an art of video, rather than video art." Directors such as Steven Spielberg and Jean LucGodard are recognized as new-media digital artists. Around the time of the twentieth century, films have been heavily altered by digital special effects, such as the kind seen in Spielberg's classic:
Jurassic Park in 1993. In the film, live actors would often be seen interacting with CGI models such as the Tyrannosaurus Rex in the films most famous scene.
New-age cimina is said to consist of illustrations that are multi-screen, multi-user, panoramic, dome-projected, and nonlocal. Isaac Julian explored these concepts through his works:
The Long Road to Mazatlán (1999)
Paradise Omeros (2003)
Baltimore (2004)
These works were designed to embrace both the issues of racial and class identity, and the history/ theory of film including painting, choreography, and the psychology of memory. Each work is projected through multiple screens in a filmed environment of cinematic sophistication.
Well written, astute observations! Great post.