Bill Seaman created an interactive triptych installation titled Passage Set/ One Pulls Pivots on the Tip of the Tongue shows three projections that have highlighted text for present viewers to press, doing so will display a spatial poem that reflects the layering or collision of psychological spaces which allows for sequential reading, much like reading a poem or staring at a painting.
Paul Garrin's White Devil revolves around more social issues. When walking through a neighborhood, a dog suddenly chases after the viewer, seemingly so.
Ken Feingold's Childhood/Hot and Cold Wars (the Appearance of Nature), touching the clock will flood the viewer with images that represent 1950-1960's culture. The flow of the images can be controlled by the viewer.
Galápagos by Karl Sims shows off multiple abstract shapes in the form of 'genetic' organisms which viewers can grow their own. The work was inspired by Charles Darwin's famous theory on Natural Selection.
Sims had also explored this concept through his other work, like Evolved Virtual Creatures, Evolution Simulation, 1994.
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