Monday, March 20, 2017

Products of Postmodernism

The mid 20th century was the era where postmodernism took place, which was an era that unlike modernism, focused less on the consents of constructing fully original and innovative ideas, and instead works on expanding concepts that  have been used before, while also containing the attitudes of skepticism and irony. This, of course, would influence the ideologies of performer artists as well as their work. For example, The Wooster Group would reanimate classic theatrical texts while infusing them with new media, and imply the chaotic context of contemporary global culture into the mix as seen in one of their stage projects, Jump Cut in 1997.

F@usto: Verson 3.0 1998, was a performance piece orchestrated by La Fura dels Baus, an international performance group in Barcelona. The performance was designed to showcase disturbing imagery designed to help illustrate the tale of a formal agreement between man and the devil.

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